Continuing in my short profiles of favorite artists that are no longer with us is another talented strip artist, Frank Robbins, who ended out his long career doing various super-hero assignments for Marvel and DC Comics. Here is his story in his own words from the NCS archives. --- Born Boston Massachusetts September 9.1917... Aspired to the fine arts at an early age -- won scholarships to Boston Museum and later National Academy of Design, New York. Rockerfeller Grant at age fifteen...designed murals for NBC in Radio City, 1932-3 --won Thomas B. Clarke prize in painting, National Academy Annual at age eighteen -- did exploitation art for RKO Radio Pictures starting at age seventeen until taking over 'Scorchy Smith' for A.P. in 1939...in 1944 created 'Johnny Hazard' for King Features Syndicate which continues to date and is sold wildely, daily and Sunday, both nationally and internationally. Have done illustrations for Life, Saturday Evening Post, Look, etc. Have continued serious painting, exhibiting annually in National Academy Annual, Corcoran Gallery, Washington. Whitney Museum, New York, Metropolitan Museum, New York Audubon Artists, New York Walker Art Gallery Minnesota, Toledo Art Museum, Ohio, etc..painting bought by Ranger Fund, National Academy Annual, 1960.

Married since 1945...lovely wife, Bert...and children, Mike, age 11...Laurie Beth, age 5...Hobbies: Hi-fi, with one marketed invention to my credit...antiques and armor collecting...sports: swimming, archery, fencing and pistol shooting -- enough, I'm tired!

1 comment:
I think I remember reading that at some point, Robbins switched from india ink to black acrylic paint. Perhaps he'd run out of ink one day and, given his interest in painting, he just picked up what was available and it worked for him. I'd like to know more about him ...
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