One of Marvel Comics most prolific cover artist was the talented Gil Kane who did countless covers for the "House of Ideas", and numerous other comic companies over his fifty plus years in comic illustration. All of these gems were rendered in his unique action-packed style with a variety of different bullpen inkers done in a "Marvel Style". Romance, war, Western, horror, superhero, jungle, science fiction, crime, any genre was supremely designed by Kane's steady hand in producing striking covers that helped sell a lot of issues. Here is a tiny listing of just thirty five of his later 70s covers, that were on sale in the mid seventies from art dealers listed in The Comic's Buyers Guide. Surprisingly, most of these were in the forty dollar range except for the historic Amazing Spider-Man #98 issue shown here for othe grand sum of $80! Also featured is an chilling Tomb of Dracula cover that showcases an early Blade appearance that recently sold at auction for $17,500, and an equally beautiful unpublished Kane Jungle Action cover.

Amazing Spider-Man #98 for $80
The Invaders #25 for $35
Conan the Barbarian #43 for $75
Captain America #218 for $35
Marvel Team -Up #47 for $55
Marvel Classics #5 "Tom Sawyer" for $45
Daredevil #150 for $40
Ms. Marvel #13 for $40
Captain America #220 for $40
Marvel Classics #5 "Gulliver's Travels" for $45
Sub-Mariner #71 for $55
Giant Size Dracula #3 for $60

Marvel Triple Action #39 "The Avengers" for $40
Incredible Hulk #192 for $55
Amazing Spider-Man #158 for $60
The Invaders #23 for $35
Master of Kung Fu #20 for $55
The Champions #16 for $40
Marvel Team -Up #45 for $55
Fantastic Four #193 for $50
Master of Kung Fu #59 for $35
Power Man #48 for $40
Marvel Super Heroes #69 "The Hulk" for $35

The Invaders #27 for $40
Rawhide Kid #144 for $25
What If #7 "Spider-Man" for $50
Marvel Classics #5 "Black Beauty" for $45
Conan the Barbarian #65 for $65
Master of Kung Fu #40 for $55
The Invaders #26 for $35
Sgt. Fury #144 For $25
Amazing Spider-Man #140 for $60
Marvel Classics #5 "Moby Dick" for $45
Mighty Thor #239 for $70
Marvel Team -Up #28 for $55

I love to hear about old art prices - and to think how far $40 takes you these days...
Anthony, friends say they enjoy seeing these early prices, but they can really make your head spin sometimes.
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