Here is yet another shocking report of original comic art prices from the early seventies that was published in the Rocket's Blast Comic Collector by none other than writer, Doug Moench! His four page advertisement starts out in bold capital letters "MOENCH SELLS OUT HIS FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES' SOULS! ORIGINAL ART", and continues with page after page of great pieces at wonderful prices, (in today's market). Apparently the IRS reared it ugly head, and all the writer's hopes and dreams of keeping his beloved pages went up in smoke, since he had to support foreign assassination plots, bribes to Iran, and excessive toilet paper supplies to ex-presidents... his words, not mine. But you can tell he really didn't want to sell some of these gems, though he provided discounts for the more number of pages you purchased. He would consider "haggling" on them if you wanted to buy pieces from all the various artists, not just trying to get all from one illustrator, and offered to sign them if you wish. So sit back in a comfortable chair and grab a bottle of aspirin, because you'll probably get a headache when reading over these pages and prices so Moench can "make this country what it is...and, at the moment, make Doug just a little wistful..."

Rich Buckler
Astonishing Tales #26
Cover $60
Page 1 Splash $55
2, 3, 7, $40, 15 $45
John Buscema
Master of Kung Fu #27
Page 15 $20, 16 $15
Sal Buscema
Master of Kung Fu#32
Page 16 $7, 17 $6

Paul Gulacy
Master of Kung Fu #25
Page 1 Splash $50
3 $40, 7 $40, 11 $30, 15 $25
Well, you get the idea, same great pricing on the next
twenty-two MOKF Gulacy issues or so!
Larry Hama
Marvel Premiere #17
Page 2 $35, 3 $30

Russ Heath
Ka-Zar #12
Page 3 $45
Don Heck
Ka-Zar #11
Page 3 $6
Gil Kane
Inhumans #5
Page 3o $20, 31 $15

Val Mayerik
Monster of Frankenstein #12
Page 3 $20, 14 $10
Monster of Frankenstein #13
Page 10 $5, 23 $4
George Perez
Inhumans #1
Page 6 $15, 11 $15
Don Perlin
Werewolf by Night #20
Page 15 $5, 17 $5
Giant Size Werewolf by Night #2
Page 16 $3, 17 $3, 25 $4, 29 $3
Pages for three dollars, that is not a typo!
Doug's list goes on for twenty-six issues, all about the same
except issue #32 with the first Moon Knight appearance
are running around $10 to $12.
Frank Robbins
Fear #25
Page 18 $15, 23 $15
George Tuska
Creatures on the Loose #30
Page 11 $3, 16 $4, 30 $7
There were a lot more pages by these artists and others, but I can't
seem to force myself to keep posting these numbers any more.