One of the most famous features in Spanish comics, El Capitan Trueno, "Captain Thunder" hit the stands in June of 1956 written by Victor Mora and illustrated by Miguel Ambrosio Zaragoza. A warrior of honor who defended the traditional ideas of chivalry, Capitan Trueno was a contemporary of Richard the Lion-Hearted and Saladin. His vast knowledge and fortune did not stop this fearless fighter from protecting the weak and ending tyrannical reign over the common man, with the help of his two constant companions. At his side in these many adventures that covered 618 comic appearances, and 232 Pulgarcito magazine features was his trusted squire Crispin, and the big hearted giant, Goliath. The trio wandered the world, righting wrongs and fighting terrible monsters of every description. Mora's quick scripts combined humor with action, romance and fighting, as idyllic scenes alternated with brutal battles. This proved to be the perfect formula for Zaragoza's (under his pseudonym, Ambros) dynamic graphics, coupled with those beautiful Antonio Bernal covers. After ending in March of 1968, the series was reprinted, later in full color. Adapted into novels, advertising campaigns, and numerous toys and premiums, El Capitan Trueno lives on in the memory of dedicated comic fans around the world.

1 comment:
Ambrós and Antonio Bernal were two fantastic and wonderful artists. Antonio Bernal died recently at the age of 89 on september 28, 2013. Bernal painted excellent and beautiful covers for collections as Capitán Trueno, Jabato, Corsario de Hierro and many more. The cover that you show is simply fabulous. Regards.
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